Anti Piracy Training
The training goal is to help trainees understand what effect their avoidance maneuvers would have and practice in resolution of potential hostile targets, evasion techniques, communication, making contact and engaging.
During an exercise, trainees learn how to detect a hostile pirate vessel using ECDIS, radar plotting, AIS information, visual sightings (by fuel barrels on deck, weapons, type and number of crewmembers etc.) and by comparison of target data with known behavioral patterns of pirate vessels.
Evasion for merchant ships techniques include avoidance of contacts with potentially hostile vessels or keeping out of range of known hostile vessel's weapons using course and speed changes. Finally, preparations, best angle of approach and practicing of best course and speed decisions are trained for closing and engaging hostile vessels for Anti-Piracy forces. (source TRANSAS)
Your Maritime Simulation & Training Center
Nautitec GmbH & Co. KG
Bergmannstraße 36
26789 Leer
Phone: +49 - 491 - 91 20 200
Fax: +49 - 491 - 91 20 20 29
E-Mail: info@nautitec-leer.de